5 Problems Facing Space Exploration?

5 Problems Facing Space Exploration Today?

The following 5 problems facing those who wish to get in on Space Exploration and Space Commerce must understand the current situations. Space Commerce and Space Exploration will be very lucrative businesses of the future. Providing new businesses can get funding without crippling them before they start..

Before humans can inhabit space, asteroids, the moon, Mars or any other planet we must first overcome the number one problem (end of our list), and the second biggest problem. Government always wants to complicate matters by making rules and regulations that prohibit small businesses from participating or just to get started. Rules and Regulations are necessary and must be in place but in the beginning of this industry Rules and Regulations must be in a relaxed state to help build the industry. This will encourage fast development in all areas needed to for the safety and profitability of all involved.

#5 Speed needed to travel within our Solar System

Our current speed record for space is around 38,000 mph attained by Voyager 1 & 2 was a little less. It took 35 years for them to reach the edge of our solar system. The speed that we need to attain is 10 to 20 million mph this will allow us to get to edge of our solar system in four months or less. At that speed we encounter many new obstacles such as slowing down. We are sure once we attain these speeds we will have figured out how to slow down. It is our belief that once we reach one third the speed of light that dust particles and even large objects will be disintegrated or will follow the edge of the envelope that is created. These are things we are working on at Astral Center for Starship R & D

#4 Technology needed for Human Survival

  • Life support–water, oxygen, food, waste (human & other), electricity (energy sources) for equipment,
  • no gravity–our bodies begin to adapt by loosing bone mass and if the air we breath isn’t filtered well we suffer from chronic illnesses
  • Technology needs to be developed to ensure the survival of humans in space..

#3 is the mode of getting to space

Currently we use Rockets and fuel tanks (Space X and Blue Origin are still working on reusable rockets). This mode of transportation is outdated and obsolete. The cost to develop other methods of transportation is still extremely expensive.

#2 is Politics and Government Regulations

Rules and Regulations are necessary for many reasons but this industry will need every country and every political body on the planet to work together to make space accessible to everyone. This will mean that in the beginning we will need streamlined methods for companies to apply for and receive permission to build, travel, and explore space freely. Space Commerce has the potential to make the worlds first Trillionaires and governments can fill their coffers with

#1: The Lack of Money

Have you ever asked why we aren’t traveling in space today? 

#1 Money was and is the primary reason and #2 Politics was the second. Governments have the problem of budgets and pleasing their constituents (you and I). Other programs took precedent over the space program.

When we began using the Space Shuttles over 40 years ago most Americans thought that we were well on our way to becoming space travelers.

Answer the following questions and you will discover that it all comes back to money.

Why wasn’t the Space shuttle ever upgraded to last well into the future?

Why was it canceled? Wikipedia gives some insight to this question here.

Why aren’t we going to space everyday? After all it has been almost fifty years since we set foot on the moon.

What happened to making space accessible to everyone? 

1st Space Bank will solve this problem by financing all space projects now and in the future.

How you ask?

When you deposit your currency into a 1st Space Bank account you will receive the equivalent amount in the new currency, ***All currencies will be converted at their current exchange rates to British Pounds. British Pounds to Sollars = 13.5 times

  • By creating a new global system that can be accessed from anywhere on Earth and in our solar system.
    • It also requires that we create a new currency that exceeds all Earth based currencies. For now we are calling it Sollars (sol-larrs) or Solar Credits.
    • The bank will be funded with 999 quadrillion Sollars or Solar Credits. This will ensure that we can finance the Mega Projects of the future as well as finance colonies on the moon, Mars or an asteroid. Our goal is to advance the human exploration of space in as little as 10 years.
    • As with Bit-Coin–acceptance of the new currency will require that everyone and all governments get on board and accept it.  
      • We need to face the simple fact that there just isn’t enough money on Earth to finance space research, development, or finance new technology that is needed to get us off the planet. Let alone find ways that will help insure the survivability of humans in space or on another planet.
    • Government space programs can be funded through us by depositing their currency into our bank and receiving the equivalent amount (£ = 13.5 Sollars) on deposit. No need to borrow money unless you want to or you want to accelerate your space programs.
      • The requirement is that anyone that wishes to contract with one of our clients should have an account with us but isn’t necessary and the contract must be in the currency of the country of origin. Example: NASA wants to do business with Company X, Company X gives NASA their bid in British Pounds. NASA then uses 1 Sollar for 1 British Pound  (converting British Pounds to USD) to purchase the services of Company X. Company X then deposits the British Pounds into their account at 13.5 times. Thus giving them the ability to purchase more goods and services from others.
    • Anyone or any company can use the bank and take advantage of the exchange rate currently being offered. In the future we will have in place a matrix or index that is used to value the new currency. It will not be tied to any Earth based currency instead use an index of precious metals and precious stones. The current exchange rate was determined using this method. It will follow the same principals as the Dow Jones Industrial Averages or any other Exchange.

Using our new currency 1st Space Bank will finance the technology to build these mega projects and more. We have set up three prizes to anyone that can design and build a Space elevator, asteroid mining technology, new cutting edge technology that will make rockets obsolete.

Why make so much money available to everyone? We believe that we are long overdue for a catastrophic event that could wipe out humanity. Putting that aside it is the next logical step in our evolution.

Once we are in space we face many other obstacles.

Besides the obvious like no oxygen, water, and gravity. Radiation protection is another obstacle. I will continue this as time permits.



Other Problems Facing Space Exploration?

The following list is to show a few of the problems we face in space and all of it requires lots of money. Everything we do in space always comes back to the major obstacle facing all of us to get into space and that is MONEY. If you don’t have enough of it you cut corners or purchase O-rings that aren’t suited for the job. Cutting corners to save money is a devastating method for space exploration. We lost lives on the Challenger in 1986 because of it, as well as Colombia in 2003.

Other problems facing space exploration are:

The list is forthcoming.




Pre-Register For Your Account Today

1st Space Bank Account Pre-Registration

You can pre-register for your own Space Bank Account today for $100. You will be assigned a new account number and as soon as they are available,  you will be first in line to receive a new Transparent Bank Card® for FREE.

Why do you want to pre-register?

  1. To be first to receive a FREE Transparent Bank Card®
  2. First to have an account in space that is secure and safe.
  3. As an added bonus you will receive 100,000 more funds in our new currency.
  4. That is not all, you also get more new currency when you deposit cash from your current bank at a rate as high as 13.5 times more.
    1. Conversion rates will be determined using our new Currency Value Index.
  5. Being first allows you in on our banking news and updates before the rest of the world knows.
  6. You will always be first to help pioneer a new bank and financial system.
  7. Being first also gets you first in line for any new technology, new deals, and new savings we may offer in the future.

Use the form below to pre-register.

Live Interview on You Tube

November 2016 we will be doing a live interview, Time and Date will announced here and on social media.. During the interview we will be talking about a new banking system that will be accessible from anywhere on Earth, the Lunar surface and even Mars. Mark it on your calendars. This system will benefit all of us.

Live Feed on YOU TUBE

or copy and past this url in your browser. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeA2ou0gdCnEG6LaUiuPdbg/live

A few of the topics.

What is 1st Space Bank?

1st Space Bank, Inc. is the frontrunner of an international Space Commerce system based on blockchain technology.

How does 1st Space Bank work?

1st Space Bank Earth based operations will issue Transparent Bank-Cards that will work with people’s smart phones to easily and securely access the banking service network. The Transparent Bank-Cards will utilize multiple biometric security systems to ensure safe access to the system. The transaction uses a bi-directional highly encrypted code from the user to the operations system and then to the space based data center for processing. The transaction will then be encrypted within a blockchain and distributed to the highly secure public worldwide blockchain registry. Initially this system will operate only here on Earth but the intent is to expand its use to also access your 1st Space Bank services anywhere in space.


Ex-Apple CEO Warns Financial Firms They’re in a Sprint for Their Lives

Ex-Apple CEO Warns Financial Firms They’re in a Sprint for Their Lives

The world of finance is living in “exponential” times, said John Sculley.

John Sculley, former chief executive officer of Apple AAPL 0.04% , offered some words of wisdom to big financial firms at the Money20/20 fintech conference in Las Vegas on Sunday night: plan for radical change, or prepare for obsolescence. (You can read Fortune’s recent exclusive Q&A with Sculley here.)

Taking the stage after awards for a “hackathon” were doled out to competing teams of developers, Sculley told the audience that financial incumbents are in a race for their lives—and that the race is a sprint. In issuing the warning, the former president of PepsiCo PEP -0.18% said that the world of finance is presently living in “exponential” times, rather than “linear” ones.

Linear times are marked by slow and gradual improvement, Sculley said, whereas exponential times are characterized by rapid and tumultuous change. Cautious short-term thinkers will be passed by, he continued, invoking the “exponential vs. linear” framework espoused by Ray Kurzweil, a noted futurist and director of engineering at Google GOOG -0.26% .

Get Data Sheet, Fortune’s technology newsletter.

“If you think in the fintech world that you can live in linear times,” Sculley said, characterizing the attitude as having a “sit-back-and-wait” mentality, “it ain’t going to turn out that way.”

The onetime successor to Apple founder Steve Jobs cited Kodak KODK -2.99% , the once high-flying photography company that struggled to remain relevant once digital photo technology burst onto the scene, as a prime example of failure to keep up with exponential times. “There will be Kodak examples in the financial services industry,” he warned members of the audience, many of whom represented big banks and startups.


How to Become a Millionaire for $100

One Million Shares for $100

Current Stock Price  $.00011 USD

Vol. 26.1m

This is a for a limited time for qualified investors**.

This is not an offering of sale of stock in 1st Space Bank it is merely an announcement that you could own one million shares of stock in the first bank to do business from space.

We are working on new technology that will make current banking systems look like dinosaurs. Are we there yet? Not hardly! It is going to take a ton of investors to get to the point we need to be, during the next five years.

There are many avenues of opportunity for you as an investor in the first bank in space and you must get in on the ground floor today. We have several prospective banks ready for take-over that are now trading on one of the major exchanges. Once the mergers are complete the price will behave accordingly as you would expect from any other publicly traded company. It is your opportunity to invest today and be a major part of tomorrows banking system. You can be the next multi millionaire for only $100 per million shares.

What are you investing in? You are investing in the future of banking that will far outlast all banking systems in place today. We need a banking system that can finance the mega deals of the future of the space industry and beyond. We have looked at the numbers that is required to build fictional Star Ship Enterprise and concluded that it would take an enormous amount of cash as well as many, many banks to finance it. That is where we come in and take over.

Because at 1st Space Bank we believe that the next big thing is Space Commerce, Tourism and the Industrialization of Space. In order to finance these crazy ideas we need a bank that has the capital and the intestinal fortitude to go against all odds and create such a system.

We also believe that investing in the future of banking is also investing in new and different ideas that will advance humankind from the barbaric and idealistic views that in our opinion will eventually destroy us all. We are investing in knowledge not how much money we can make off of someones ideas but how much those ideas can advance humanity as a whole. After all we must stick together if we were to face an alien invasion. We are all one race of people with various ideas but in the end we can choose to destroy each other or we can work together to save humanity from its own self destruction and any threat we may not be aware of outside our own planet.

Knowledge is the new currency and that is what and how we will base how much a person is worth.

**You must request a prospectus and follow the rules and guidelines set forth under SEC rules and regulations.

The Future of Humanity

The Future of Humanity and Banking

We are all winners.

We came into this world to make changes and to participate in our evolution. Everything and everyone in this world has a little piece of participation, even the people that we don’t like, those that make our life miserable are important because of them most of us try to do better, we try to give our best. It is up to each of us to make a stronger effort to do our part in the evolution of mankind. So let’s stop for a few minutes and think about the future…What will you do to contribute to our future?

C. Oliveira
AmerinRio, Inc.

The future of humanity depends on many things some we can control others we can’t. Society these days dictates how we behave and in some cases our future. Each individual is responsible for the future of man and whether we evolve into an intelligent, productive and progressive species. We are becoming more and more intelligent as each century passes. But this article is not just about mankind it is about how we have in our hands (our minds) the ability to change.

Our future depends on how well we understand this one concept. What you do today affects our future tomorrow. You not affect the future as an individual but everyone that is associated with you. Your one action today can destroy someone else’s tomorrow.

Here is an example:  You decide to commit suicide today. Fine! you are out of the picture right? Not! Your action will lead to someone else committing suicide and then they have an effect on someone else and so on. It is a ripple effect way into the future of each individual you had contact with in your life. You destroyed your life and you destroyed the future of many other people in your life. Harsh as it seems it is a fact.

So you see what each of us do today affects all of us in the future. Lives will be lost and their futures and the people they had contact with as well. Lets say a couple die because of a drunk driver. That couples future ended and any offspring they could have had is also lost or their children now have to live with someone else because of you destroyed their future as a family.

Now that we have established the cause and effect of our actions I want to explain how man can go from being an earth bound species to a space faring society.

The future of mankind depends on how well we understand the need and necessity to go beyond our planet and into space. Our Earth will be destroyed at some point in the future if we don’t stop with corporate profits and a blatant disregard for the very planet that gives us life. Oil companies drilling into the earth and retrieving our precious resources. Auto manufacturers continuing to build cars that use oil company resources and not looking for ways to save our very fragile atmosphere.

So how do we change the way we do business? How do we stop the greed and desire for profits and instead of profits we change that to knowledge. If knowledge were the same as profit how fast could humanity change?

The future of mankind depends on how well we understand the need and necessity to go beyond our planet and into space. Our Earth will be destroyed at some point in the future if we don’t stop with corporate profits and a blatant disregard for the very planet that gives us life. Oil companies drilling into the earth and retrieving our precious resources. Auto manufacturers continuing to build cars that use oil company resources and not looking for ways to save our very fragile atmosphere.

So how do we change the way we do business? How do we stop the greed and desire for profits and instead of profits we change that to knowledge. If knowledge were the same as profit how fast could humanity change? It is because of profits that we don’t advance faster. “I built this and if you want it you have to pay for it.” Imagine a world where companies shared their technology and worked together to accomplish things for the betterment of mankind as a whole.

For humanity to advance faster we need to change the way we do business. We see a brighter future coming one that is more about helping one another to achieve great strides in the betterment of mankind. It is already happening in areas of technology, sharing your idea with others because you don’t have the tools or maybe can’t seem to find the solutions to your idea or invention. Linux is a fine example of that so is Arduino, 3d printing things are being shared through what is called open source. Open sourcing helps by spreading the idea over the internet for others to help solve a problem or create new ideas and ways of doing something.

1st Space Bank is the future of banking on a global basis. We will no longer be stifled with economic growth and monetary controls governed by one government or more. It is controlled by supply and demand sort of. The monetary controls are always advancing and always a spread that can’t be overtaken by any local economy or government control. It is controlled by the advancement of humanity itself.
We can’t divulge all the ins and outs of how it works but that it will work and it is the future of mankind. It is located in space at 22,300 miles above the equator in a geostationary orbit. Not just one banking platform but three (3) one for each side of the globe with a third as a backup in the event of failure. We have already in the works to build a facility that will house the banking system on the lunar surface. Since the side of the moon we see always faces Earth it is the perfect spot for the first bank outside Earth’s atmosphere.

In the future everyone that travels outside of Earth will have access to their account in space on the lunar surface, or on Mars. Even the moons of Jupiter or Saturn. Even if you could orbit the sun your transactions would only take 8 to 9 minutes to complete. Why? Because our signals travel at the speed of light and in most cases are direct line of sight with one of our banking platforms.
Why do we need to build a bank in Space? Good question? Because as we travel in space we need to be able to pay for things and have access to our money just like we do here on Earth. How would be able to pay for a stay on one of Bigelow Aerospace’s inflatable hotels that might be owned by Hilton, or Sheraton, or Holiday Inn’s. The future is coming and we must be prepared for it. Before 2030 we will be traveling in space as tourists and businesses will be building things like hotels and cruise lines will be serving up a different kind of cruise for us.

1st Space Bank will help usher in the Space Industry because we intend to finance the biggest majority of it. We will also be the first to have a banking platform in Space and we will help solve the world economic problems with an influx of new money to finance more and more businesses no matter how risky they may seem. The odds are in our favor that successes will outweigh failures. We will also stack the cards in our favor sort of speaking by providing entrepreneurs access to knowledge and plans that will guarantee their success. The bank itself will look at all proposals and point out and help solve the problems each will face.


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